Thursday, January 31, 2019


Nothing warms you up like a hot cup of atole.
Atole: a warm comforting drink for winter days.
Atole bien calientito para estos dias tan frios.
What is your favourite cold weather drink?

; )

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Wednesday, January 30, 2019


I have been at home for more then two weeks in bed.
I had a cholecystectomy.
Now pain is reducing day by day.
I do not understand how people can say
they recovered in three or less days.
I still can barely bend over or sleep comfortable.
I am still having pain.
Now I am afraid to eat.
I took great care of myself to never be sick.
I am so frustrated.
Hope I should not have any trouble in future.

Desde hace tiempo tenia estas fotos pero no
habia podido hacer nada de mi blog
ni ninguna cosa a causa del trabajo;
y despues fue por la cirugia.
Llevo mas de dos semanas casi en cama,con dolor,
sin dormir confortable.
Estuve cuidandome mucho para jamas
estar enferma, y ahora
me siento muy frustrada.
Y hasta tengo miedo comer, pienso que ahora
el alimento va a lastimar las heridas internas.
Espero ya no tener ningun problema en el futuro.

Have you had any surgery?
I hope not.

; )

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Wednesday, January 23, 2019


Fabric wallet.

Carterita especial.
; )

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